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Design, Marketing, No-Code & AI tools, tutorials, and hacks to boost productivity and make your work-life easier.
Create workflow automations without writing code
Turns PDF's into mindmaps
Sign up for bite-sized tutorials designed to boost your AI knowledge—from beginner to pro
Turns Notion Pages to blog posts
ProtoPie offers a drag-and-drop interface for creating and editing the prototypes, as well as a set of pre-built UI components and templates to speed up the design process
Tool for creating a chatbot like ChatGPT using data from any website
Web scraping tool which can extract data from any website without coding
Speech to text API
Generating unique color schemes for brands, websites, designs and graphics
AI design tool for branded content
ChatGPT like chatbot released by Hugging Face
Automatically create step-by-step videos and documents
Removing unwanted objects from images
Creating realistic images from text description
Turns figma design into code
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